EALC currently offers five-year PhD fellowship packages, which include two years of fellowships and three years of assistantships. These packages are awarded to the top PhD applicants on a competitive basis. The funding typically includes tuition remission and a living stipend.
The Gines Graduate EALC Fellowship seeks to support graduate students who are pursuing a Master's degree within the EALC Department of the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, such as the:
- MA in East Asian Studies (EAS)
- MA in Chinese or Japanese
- Dual Degree (MA in EAS and MBA)
- Joint Degree (MA in EAS and MPA)
or graduate students wishing to complete a minor in EALC, in combination with a major in a professional field of study.
Recipients will be students:
- who are not native speakers of an East Asian language;
- who have satisfactorily completed three years of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean language study or the equivalent, as determined by examination for the Department's MA programs;
- and who are pursuing a combination of two majors, or a major and a minor, that must consist of at least one East Asian language and another area of study, such as business, economics, physical sciences, education, and others that would prepare the student for a professional career.
Preference will be given to students who are residents of either Indiana or New Jersey.
Graduate students in East Asian Languages and Cultures and other IU graduate programs may apply for associate instructor (AI) positions in EALC. Most EALC AI positions are available in the language programs, though there are a few exceptions. Language AIs lead drill sections in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean classes. AI applicants should have native or advanced proficiency in their intended language of instruction. There are also a limited number of AI positions available teaching discussion sections for large 100-level EALC lecture classes (e.g., EALC-E100; EALC-E110). The department gives hiring priority to graduate students in EALC, but we occasionally hire graduate students from other departments.
Full AI positions (teaching 2 sections in a semester/20 hours/week) pay a monthly stipend and include tuition remission at the rate of 100% of College of Arts and Sciences tuition for up to 12 credits a semester. Half-time AI positions (10 hours/week) are paid a stipend, but do not receive a tuition remission.
Application procedures:
Applicants to EALC graduate programs: All new graduate program applications are considered for AI-ship funding as well as for admission. Applicants interested in being considered for AI-ships should be certain to complete the “Departmental Questions” portion of the graduate application.
Continuing IU students and applicants to other IU programs: Applications for AI-ships must be submitted for each academic year and are due January 31st for the following academic year. Applicants must submit the following for a complete application:
- Application form
- personal statement (send as .pdf to ealc@iu.edu)
- C.V. or résumé (send as .pdf to ealc@iu.edu)
- 2 letters of recommendation (notify letter writers to send recommendation letters to ealc@iu.edu)
- evidence of quality of teaching (student evaluations, class syllabi, lesson plans)(send as .pdf to ealc@iu.edu)
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS: The IU Dean of the Faculties requires all non-native speakers of English to take and pass the Test of English Proficiency for Associate Instructor Candidates (TEPAIC). ONLY those students who have taken and passed TEPAIC are allowed to teach. All international students applying for an AI position in EALC should carefully review the TEPAIC website and information below. Please be aware that inability to pass this test can result in the revocation of an AI offer.
TEPAIC Testing Guidelines for prospective EALC AIs
In order to teach at Indiana University, all non-native speakers of English must take and pass the Test of English Proficiency for International Assistant Instructor Candidates (TEPAIC). This test is administered by the Department of Second Language Studies (SLS) and complete information on the test is available on their website. The test is officially offered in early January, mid Spring, late August, and mid Fall. It is very important for AI applicants to East Asian Languages and Cultures (EALC) to understand that if they are unable to pass this test, any previous offers of an AI position in EALC will be revoked.
Registration for the test:
For currently enrolled IU Graduate Students: Students wishing to take the TEPAIC must be recommended for the test by the department that they wish to teach in. If you plan to apply for an AI position with EALC and have not taken the TEPAIC, you must first see the language coordinator for the language that you wish to teach. That faculty member will make a decision as to whether EALC will request that you be allowed to test. If you are approved to take the test, EALC will report your basic information (Name, Student ID number, TOEFL score) to Second Language Studies so that you will be able to register for the test. You will then need to register in person at SLS in the two-week period prior to the test. You can find the test date and sign-up schedule here. At the time that you register, you will be given a test time and more information on the test.
For incoming EALC graduate students: New international students who have been offered an AI position with EALC must be able to take and pass the TEPAIC in order to keep their AI-ship. It is important to remember that the TEPAIC is a different test than the English test given to all incoming international students. Both exams must be taken very seriously. HLS/EALC will request test registration and test times for incoming AIs for the August test dates. We will only do this for students who are new to Indiana University. Other students must see SLS in the two weeks before the test to set their own test time.
HLS/EALC will receive the test times and testing information from SLS and will distribute it to incoming AIs after they arrive on campus. It is very important that you check with the HLS Graduate Services team if you do not receive your test time.
After the test:
On the test date, it is important that you show up on time and prepared. During the night or morning following your test, you will receive an e-mail from Second Language Studies with your test results. That message will be copied to EALC so that we receive it at the same time that you do. Students who pass the test with a designation of C1, C2, or C3 will be allowed to teach in EALC. Students who receive a designation of NC4 have not passed the test, but may be eligible for an appeal exam. If you qualify for an appeal, then information about registering for and taking the appeal exam will be sent to you when you receive your test results. At the lowest level, designation NC5, students are not eligible to appeal and will need to wait to take the test again the next time it is offered. Students with an NC4 who cannot pass the appeal exam, and students with an NC5 are not permitted to teach and any AI-ship offers made must be revoked per university policy. All AI applicants are encouraged to carefully review all of the information on the TEPAIC on the SLS website.
This departmental grant-in-aid award is intended to provide EALC graduate students one-time support for unusual expenses that cannot be fully funded by other sources. Graduate students may receive up to $2,000 to cover the costs of activities, including research and training, necessary for their progress towards degree completion. Travel to conferences, routine supplies, and computers, for example, do not count as unusual expenses and are not supported by this award. Collaborative projects between faculty and graduate students are also not eligible for funding.
Priority will be given to applicants (1) applying for the first time and (2) who either secured partial funding from elsewhere or submit proof of an unsuccessful attempt to secure funding from elsewhere.
Materials to submit:
- curriculum vitae
- a 1-2, single-spaced page description of the proposed research and its role in advancing the student's research agenda
- project timeline
- a detailed budget including a written justification for the expenses
Criteria for selection:
1. quality of proposed research
2. quality of research accomplishments to date
3. timely progress toward the graduate degree
Application deadline
The deadline to apply is April 21, 2024. Submit all materials electronically to EALC@iu.edu as a single PDF file. Successful applicants will be informed of their selection by the end of the current academic year.
The Graduate Office of the College of Arts & Sciences offers a number of fellowships to incoming and continuing graduate students. Follow the links below for information on each fellowship. Additional information can also be found on the College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Office website.
- Delores Zohrab Liebman Fellowship
- Three awards for graduate students who have outstanding undergraduate records, demonstrate a need for financial assistance, and are citizens of the United States to the University Graduate School. The fellowship covers the cost of tuition, includes a stipend, and is renewable for a maximum of three years.
- Application deadline: Materials to department by December 1st.
- Dissertation Year Research Fellowship
- For outstanding M.F.A. or Ph.D. candidates - selection criteria include demonstrated academic excellence, proposed use of fellowship funds, and potential for significant research contributions. These fellowships include a $15,000 stipend, but do not include fee scholarships. Fellowship winners are expected to devote full time to research.
- Applications entered online (follow the link on the College’s website)
- Application deadline: March 1st.
- John H. Edwards Fellowship
- Awarded on: good citizenship, character, especially attitude toward public service and the likelihood of future usefulness to society, scholastic ability, intellectual capacity, and upon such other bases and qualifications, and in such manner, as the Trustees of Indiana University in their discretion and judgment may determine from time to time, but always without regard to consideration of religion, creed, race, national origin, color, sex, or political affiliation.
- Application deadline: Notifiy department by January 15th if you wish to be nominated for this award.
- Travel Award Competition
- Aids students who have been invited to present papers at national or international conferences and who have been recommended by their departments to receive such awards. Awards are usually in the range of $200-300.
- Applications accepted online (follow the link on the College’s website, above) November 1st - December 1st.
Graduate students at Indiana University who are citizens, nationals, or permanent residents of the United States can apply for a Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship. FLAS Fellowships in Chinese, Japanese or Korean are offered by the East Asian Studies Center (EASC) and the Center for the Study of Global Change. Students should refer to the above links for application information.
- Applications are open to new applicants and continuing students.
- At your request, copies of official transcripts, letters of recommendation and test scores can be forwarded to the Center to which you are applying.
- Application deadline: January 31st.
The following is a list of graduate fellowships and awards administered by the University Graduate School. Follow the links below for information on each fellowship. More information can also be found on the University Graduate School website.
- Adam W. Herbert Graduate Fellowship
- Supports graduate study at IU for graduates of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
- Application deadline: February 1st.
- Educational Opportunity Fellowship
- The award is for new/incoming or currently enrolled MA or PhD students who are US citizens or permanent residents and first-generation college students. Financian need must be shown. $1,500 award, renewable for one year.
- Application deadline: January 15th.
- Esther Kinsley Master’s Thesis Award
- Must have completed Master’s Thesis during the previous academic year; one $1,500 award.
- Application deadline: Materials submitted to student's department by October 1st.
- Esther Kinsley PhD Dissertation Award
- Must have completed PhD degree during the previous academic year; one $1,500 award.
- Application deadline: Materials submitted to student's department by February 1st.
- Future Faculty Teaching Fellowship
- For advanced IU Bloomington doctoral and MFA students to enhance their career preparation by experiencing faculty life in another academic environment, either within or outside of Indiana.
- Application deadline: October 15th.
- Graduate Scholars Fellowship
- The award is for new/incoming Ph.D. students, or current M.A. students bridging into the Ph.D. Program
- Application deadline: February 1st.
- Grant in Aid of Doctoral Research
- For advanced Bloomington graduate students for unusual expenses incurred in connection with doctoral dissertation research.
- Fall application deadline: materials to department by October 1st.
- Spring application deadline: materials to department by February 1st.
- Ronald E. McNair Graduate Fellowship
- The award is for new/incoming M.A. or Ph.D. students, or current M.A. students bridging into the Ph.D. Program
- Applicants must have been in McNair undergraduate program.
- Notify department of eligibility as part of graduate admission process.
- Wells Graduate Fellowship
- One doctoral or M.F.A. student who exemplifies the characteristics of Chancellor Wells; single-year award of $30,000 that must be used the year it is granted.
- Application deadline: materials to department by November 25th.
The East Asian Studies Center (EASC) offers a Korean studies graduate fellowship funded by the Society of Friends of Korean Studies (SOFOKS). Students wishing to apply should see the EASC web page for application information.
Applications are open to entering and continuing students.
The Graduate School GradGrants Center provides information and training to IU graduate students about how to apply for and receive grants.
Grad Grants Center
IUB Herman B Wells Library
Research Collection, Room 651
1320 E. Tenth St.
Bloomington, IN 47405-3907
Phone: 812-855-5281
E-mail: gradgrnt@iu.edu