For undergraduates only.
4 credits
An introductory, skills-oriented course emphasizing learning language in context. Development of listening and speaking in simple interactional situations, and controlled reading and writing skills.
For undergraduates only.
3 credits
Prerequisite: equivalent proficiency based on EALC placement test
This course is designed for students who already have some familiarity with beginner level Japanese, but who are not proficient enough in the language to meet the prerequisite for J102. The goal of the course is to enable students to improve their speaking, listening, reading, writing, and, more generally, communicative skills in Japanese. Toward this end, students will spend a good deal of class time using Japanese and practicing material introduced in the text. All classes will consist of lectures and drills (there will be no separate drill sessions). Grading will be based on classroom attendance and performance, homework assignments, quizzes and tests, a mid-term, and a final exam. Students who earn a grade of C or higher in J110 will be able to register for J102 in spring.
For undergraduates only
4 credits
Prerequisite: grade of C or higher in J102 or equivalent proficiency based on EALC placement test
Continuation of emphasis on communicative skills. Increased attention to reading and writing skills.
For undergraduates only
4 credits
Prerequisite: grade of C or better in J202 or equivalent proficiency based on EALC placement test.
Primary emphasis on reading skills. Conversation stressed in drill sections.
For undergraduates only
3 credits
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in J302 or equivalent proficiency
Not suitable for native speakers
Emphasis on advanced reading skills.
For undergraduates only
3 credits
Prerequisite: One year of Japanese or equivalent proficiency
A descriptive survey of issues in Japanese linguistics. Topics include syntax, phonology/phonetics, and semantics/ pragmatics of Japanese.
For undergraduates
3 credits
Prerequisite: Proficiency in Japanese beyond the third-year level.
Provides students with practical experience in producing polished, literary translations from Japanese to English. The course fulfills EALL/Japanese major requirements, Global Civilization and Culture credit, and A & H Breadth of Inquiry credit.
For graduates
3 credits
One year of Japanese or equivalent proficiency
This section meets with EALC-J421
Linguistic phenomena in Japanese from the descriptive and comparative points of view. Development of linguistic problem-solving skills, including consideration of sociological issues.
3 credits
Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in J202 or equivalent proficiency based on EALC placement test.
These sections meet with J301
For graduates only
3 credits
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in J302/J534 or equivalent proficiency as determined by the EALC placement test.
Not suitable for native speakers.
Emphasis on advanced reading skills.
For graduate students
3 credits
Prerequisite: Proficiency in Japanese beyond the third-year level.
Provides students with practical experience in producing polished, literary translations from Japanese to English. The course fulfills requirements for the MA or PhD in Japanese, and the MA in Japanese language pedagogy.
For undergraduates only.
4 credits
Prerequisite: grade of C or better in J101 or equivalent proficiency
Continuation of J101.
For undergraduates only
4 credits
Prerequisite: grade of C or better in J201 or equivalent proficiency
Continuation of J201.
For undergraduates only
4 credits
Prerequisite: grade of C or better in J301 or equivalent proficiency.
Continuation of J301.
For undergraduates only
3 credits
Prerequisite: grade of C or better in J202 or equivalent proficiency.
This course is designed to teach Japanese with emphasis on using Japanese for business purposes in the global setting. The prerequisite is completion of J202: Intermediate Japanese II or an EALC placement test score sufficient for placement in J301. The course is designed for intermediate-mid to intermediate-high level students (where level is determined by ACTFL OPI guidelines). The main objective of the course is to enable students to acquire the language skills and cultural knowledge necessary for effective communication within Japanese business contexts.
For undergraduates only
3 credits
Prerequisite: grade of C or better in J401 or equivalent proficiency
Continuation of J401.
For undergraduates
3 credits
Prerequisite: grade of C or better in J302 or equivalent proficiency based on consultation with the instructor.
An introduction to classical Japanese grammar that equips students to read texts in premodern Japanese. The course fulfills EALL/Japanese major requirements, Global Civilization and Culture credit, and A & H Breadth of Inquiry credit.
Prerequisite: grade of C or higher in J302 or equivalent proficiency
This course is intended mainly for undergraduate students who have completed the third year of Japanese or above or those who have an equivalent proficiency level in Japanese. Students who are registered for fourth-year Japanese will find it ideal to take this course simultaneously. Although the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing will be taught, more emphasis will be placed on speaking and listening. Excerpts from animated films by Miyazaki Hayao and others will be viewed mainly in class. However, from time to time , students may need to view animated films outside of class as well. The analysis and discussion will center around the cultural issues presented in the films. We will also read manga, paying attention to language uses and the features unique to manga. We will examine the special characteristics of manga writing and discuss issues presented in the stories. Students will be evaluated on their preparation for and participation in class. There will be frequent short quizzes that will cover mainly listening and reading comprehension. Students will be required to complete a course project.
For graduate students
3 credits
Prerequisite: grade of C or better in J302 or equivalent proficiency based on consultation with the instructor.
An introduction to classical Japanese grammar that equips students to read texts in premodern Japanese. This course is a requirement for the MA in Japanese language pedagogy.
3 credits
Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in J202 or equivalent proficiency based on EALC placement test.
These sections meet with J301
For graduates only
3 credits
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in J302/J534 or equivalent proficiency as determined by the EALC placement test.
Not suitable for native speakers.
Emphasis on advanced reading skills.