Chien-Jer Charles Lin
Department Chair for the East Asian Languages and Cultures, Associate Professor
Tues/Thurs 12:45-2:00 p.m.
Department Chair for the East Asian Languages and Cultures, Associate Professor
Tues/Thurs 12:45-2:00 p.m.
Department Manager/Fiscal Officer
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Japanese Language Program Coordinator
Jae DiBello Takeuchi is Associate Professor of Japanese in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Indiana University. Dr. Takeuchi conducts research in Japanese sociolinguistics and applied linguistics, second language acquisition, and foreign language pedagogy. Her research focuses on the experiences of Japanese second language speakers who are long-term residents of Japan. She is particularly interested in how they navigate Japanese speech styles, such as dialects and keigo, which they encounter in local communities, workplaces, and leisure activities. At Indiana University, Dr. Takeuchi teaches courses in Japanese language and sociolinguistics. Before coming to Indiana, she taught Japanese at Clemson University and served as the director of the Languages and International Business program.Dr. Takeuchi’s 2023 book Language Ideologies and L2 Speaker Legitimacy: Native Speaker Bias in Japan examines native speaker bias and L2 speaker legitimacy. Her recent projects focus on linguistic microaggression and consider how speaker identity and markers such as accent impact L2 speakers’ acceptance in Japanese communities.
Korean Language Coordinator
Assistant Professor, Chinese Language Program Coordinator
Dr. Yuan Lu is an assistant professor of Chinese applied linguistics in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Indiana University-Bloomington. His research interests include second language acquisition theories and research methods, grammar learning and teaching in Chinese as a second language, and second language assessment and testing. His work has been published in journals such as The Modern Language Journal, Applied Linguistics, Second Language Research, and Language Teaching Research.
355 North Eagleson Avenue