K101 (Elementary Korean 1) is the first part of First Year Korean. The course provides students with basic conversational & grammatical patterns, assuming that the students have no or little previous background knowledge of Korean.
The objective of the course is to equip students with communicative skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing at a basic level in Korean; students will learn how to express simple ideas such as attributes, identities, locations, time, daily activities, weekend plan, desires, as well as how to combine simple ideas in a various way.
Classes are divided into two parts: two hours of lectures conducted by the main instructor, and three hours of drill sections conducted by an associate instructor (AI). Lectures will include explanations of those conversational patterns in grammatical and pragmatic terms. Drill sections will provide the students with opportunities to practice in actual communicative situations with various tasks and activities. Among the three drill sessions, Monday will be designated mainly for reports on weekend, listening activities, and weekly quizzes. Besides weekly quizzes on Monday, there are occasional vocabulary and/or dictation quizzes.
K102 (Elementary Korean 2) is the second part of First Year Korean. The course provides students with further conversational & grammatical skills beyond those learned in the first semester. The objective of the course is to equip students with communicative skills in speaking, reading, and writing with more complex structures in Korean such as various kinds of speakers stance, desire, evaluation, judgement, assessment on the propositional content conveyed, and more complex relations between two events such as cause, reason, purpose, concession, background, condition, etc. Students are expected to be able to command a lengthy narrative discourse, say, on school life, family, vacation plan, hobbies, etc.
K201 is the first part of Second Year Korean. The objective of the course is to equip students with communicative skills in speaking, reading, and writing at the intermediate level in Korean, such as expanding simple ideas into imposing various kinds of the speaker's stance, e.g. judgement, inference, and evaluation or subjective assessment of the ideas entertained, and expressing more complex relations between events, such as cause, reason, purpose, condition, concession, intention, background, etc. Skills for simple narration and written report will be enhanced. Students are expected to be able to and command a lengthy narrative discourse on personal experience.
K202 is the second part of Second Year Korean. The course provides students with further conversational & grammatical skills beyond those learned in the first semester. The objective of the course is to equip students with communicative skills in speaking, reading, and writing with more complex structures in Korean such as various kinds of speakers stances, evaluation, assessment, judgement and attitudes on the events encountered, and more complex relations between two events such as cause, reason, purpose, concession, intention, background, condition, etc. Students are expected to be able to command a lengthy dialogue regarding various topics such as birthday party, hair style and fashion, hobbies, traditional holidays, marriage, jobs, etc.
The objective of the course is to have students learn Korean language and culture and enable them to communicate with advanced communicative skills in Korean, in speaking, reading, and writing, dealing with expressions of more subtle, and delicate ideas, e.g. distinguishing among facts, beliefs, various kinds of judgements, and more complex ideas such as conveying thoughts on propositional contents, quoting other people's saying, and challenging other people's ideas and beliefs. Besides being able to report various kinds of experience in a coherent narration, giving one's appreciation or assessment as well as facts, one should be able to engage him/herself in discussion of complicated matters, and to give feedback to or comments on what is given in various communicative settings. This course is largely content-based; students will learn about Korean language and culture in Korean, and the students will be tested on the content as well as the language skills they learned in the course. Frequent reading and writing excercises will be asked to do.
This course is a continuation of Third Year Korean. The objective of the course is to have students learn Korean language and culture and enable them to communicate further with advanced communicative skills in Korean, in speaking, reading, and writing, particularly to express various stances/attitudes of the speaker toward the content and the background circumstance of communication. The students are expected to be able to express his or her thoughts dealing with abstract ideas in extended discourse. This course is largely content-based; students will learn about Korean language and culture in Korean, and the students will be tested on the content as well as the language skills they learned in the course. Frequent reading and writing excercises will be asked to do.
This is a content-based advanced reading course at the level of Fourth Year. We will deal with advanced reading material, mostly from authentic writings in various genres and styles, such as newspaper editorials, columns, essays, movie scenarios, and T.V. news clips, short stories, and other expository and literary writings. Through reading these material, students will learn various aspects of Korean culture and society. You will build your vocabulary and reading proficiency toward the level of the ordinary adult. The students will be tested on the content as well as the language skills they learned in the course.
This course is a continuation of Fourth Year Korean.We will deal with advanced reading material, mostly from authentic writings in various genres and styles, such as newspaper editorials, columns, essays, movie scenarios, and T.V. news clips, short stories, and other expository and literary writings. Through reading these material, however, students will also learn various aspects of Korean culture and society. You will build your vocabulary and reading proficiency toward the level of the ordinary adult. The students will be tested on the content as well as the language skills they learned in the course.