MA in Japanese — Language Pedagogy Track

MA in Japanese—Language Pedagogy Track

This program is specifically designed for those who intend to teach Japanese language at the university level. It takes full advantage of the department's innovative and award-winning language pedagogy program to offer students unparalleled training in such subjects as curricular design for language teaching and the production of teaching materials, as well as a solid grounding in the methods of language training.


Students interested in teaching Japanese at the university level. (An undergraduate degree with at least two years of advanced Japanese is required for admission.)

What will you learn?

  • Japanese linguistics, pedagogy, and literature
  • Practical teaching skills

Degree Requirements

A total of 30 credit hours, including MA project hours, in approved courses is required to graduate. Ordinarily, at least 20 of these credit hours must be from courses listed under “Japanese.”

Required Courses

  • Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (J520)
  • Teaching Japanese as a Foreign/Second Language (J525)
  • Practicum in Japanese Language Pedagogy (J527)
  • Literary Japanese (J506 and/or J507)

Students must also demonstrate proficiency in Japanese language at the fourth-year level (or equivalent).


An MA project demonstrating the student’s pedagogical skills is required. May be taken for up to 4 credit hours.

The remaining credit hours can be taken from courses in Education (e.g., L520 and L630), Linguistics (e.g., L503), TESOL/Applied Linguistics (e.g., T532 and T550), and East Asian culture courses, in consultation with the advisor. Except for overseas study credits, normally a maximum of 3 credit hours of E595 may be counted toward the degree.

Want to learn more?

Contact the HLS grad office

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